Conan: The Tower of Khitai

- Abenteuer
- Brettspiel
- Kampfspiel
- Miniaturen
- Buchverspielung
- Fantasyspiel
- Crowdfunding Projekt
- Dungeon Crawler
- Erweiterung eines Spiels
- Würfeln
- Kooperatives Spielen
- Spielereliminierung
- Variable Phasen
- Verschiedene Spielereigenschaften
- Gebietsbewegung
- Kämpfen
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
The first expansion for the Conan board game: The Tower of Khitai, by multiple game award winning Antoine Bauza and Ludovic Maublanc. Take Conan and his companions East, to the mysterious land that is home to great sorcerers whose spells are feared by those from the West, and become swept up in a sinister assassination plot!
The box includes 21 highly detailed miniatures, two maps as well as host of cards/tokens and tiles. All this will allow you to play out a total of four scenarios (2 in the box, 2 on our website). The two scenarios in the box are magnificently crafted by the highly acclaimed authors Antoine Bauza (7wonders, Takenoko) and Ludovic Maublanc (Ca$h n’ Gun$, Cyclades). Take part in a daring assassination attempt before escaping from a flaming tower where the only way out is up!