Caveman Curling

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
20 Minuten
Frei ab 6 Jahre
On an icy lake, two clans of prehistoric men clash in a match of Kairn, better known as Caveman Curling, this being an ancestor to the modern sport of curling. Players compete as individuals or are grouped into two clans, and they try to land their stones the closest to a target each round. On a player's turn he takes two actions:
• He launches a stone across the ice, flicking it wit his finger toward the target on the other end of the game board.
• To improve the positioning of his stone or the chances of it staying in place, he can choose to use either a small or large hammer or a totem. With a hammer, the player moves the stone according to the size of the hammer. As for the totem, the player sets it on top of the stone; if the totem falls off the stone, the player can shoot it again on a later turn.
If your player or clan has one or more stones closer to the center of the target than the other clan, you score points. The first player/clan to collect six points wins.
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