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News zum Thema The Choice
29.08.2023, 09:52The Choice (KENDi GmbH) / Essen 2023 / Herner Spielewahnsinn 2023
nnten Team gegründet, nämlich: Franz Jurthe (vorher NSV-Geschäftsführer), Reinhard ... llen wir euch das schnelle Würfelspiel "The Choice" vor. Das Spiel besteht aus zwei Spielbl&Choice" vor. Das Spiel besteht aus zwei Spielbl&oum
25.06.2023, 20:20nnten Team gegründet, nämlich: Franz Jurthe (vorher NSV-Geschäftsführer), Reinhard ... llen wir euch das schnelle Würfelspiel "The Choice" vor. Das Spiel besteht aus zwei Spielbl&Choice" vor. Das Spiel besteht aus zwei Spielbl&oum
Podcast 83: Herner Spielewahnsinn 2023 (Smuker & Mathias)
iele) 01:18:18.100 - 01:25:43.106: Durchmarsch, The Choice, Get it (Kendi Games) 01:25:43.106 - 01:26:4Choice, Get it (Kendi Games) 01:25:43.106 - 01:26:45.1 ... n Games) 01:33:46.800 - 01:40:56.253: Drawn Together, Stichspiel und Pictures Erweiterung USA) (PD Ve
19.04.2023, 07:30iele) 01:18:18.100 - 01:25:43.106: Durchmarsch, The Choice, Get it (Kendi Games) 01:25:43.106 - 01:26:4Choice, Get it (Kendi Games) 01:25:43.106 - 01:26:45.1 ... n Games) 01:33:46.800 - 01:40:56.253: Drawn Together, Stichspiel und Pictures Erweiterung USA) (PD Ve
Die ersten Neuheiten vom neuen Verlag KENDI Games sind bekannt
viele Vorgehensweisen sie ermöglichen, zeigt The Choice auf eindrucksvolle Weise. Der Trick, der dies Choice auf eindrucksvolle Weise. Der Trick, der dies m&o
31.01.2023, 07:30viele Vorgehensweisen sie ermöglichen, zeigt The Choice auf eindrucksvolle Weise. Der Trick, der dies Choice auf eindrucksvolle Weise. Der Trick, der dies m&o
Frühjahrsneuheiten vom Moses Verlag für das Jahr 2023
tkommen. Das Team spielt zusammen, um den Psychopathen an Deck zu finden. Der Notizblock bildet das Dec ... jeweils 3 Fragen, die meisten davon mit Multiple-Choice-Optionen. Die Rückseite jeder Karte enth&aum ... jeweils 3 Fragen, die meisten davon mit Multiple-Choice-Optionen. Die Rückseite jeder Karte enth&aum
05.05.2022, 18:00tkommen. Das Team spielt zusammen, um den Psychopathen an Deck zu finden. Der Notizblock bildet das Dec ... jeweils 3 Fragen, die meisten davon mit Multiple-Choice-Optionen. Die Rückseite jeder Karte enth&aum ... jeweils 3 Fragen, die meisten davon mit Multiple-Choice-Optionen. Die Rückseite jeder Karte enth&aum
Die Kingdom Builder: Empire Edition kann auf Kickstarter unterstützt werden
nd Queenies hochwertigeres Material und zudem das The Emperor's Choice Promo-Pack mit "Twist"-Karten (erstmChoice Promo-Pack mit "Twist"-Karten (erstmals
01.02.2022, 18:00nd Queenies hochwertigeres Material und zudem das The Emperor's Choice Promo-Pack mit "Twist"-Karten (erstmChoice Promo-Pack mit "Twist"-Karten (erstmals
Neuheiten von Pegasus Spiele für 2022 nach aktuellem Stand - Teil 1 (Bekannte Titel aus 2021 und Rollenspiele)
endes Geschicklichkeitsspiel mit einem niedlichen Thema, schnellen Spielzügen und haufenweise Schi ... Bakterienkulturen bestimmt oder die Krankenhausapotheke aufgefüllt werden. Eine mehrteilige Kampag ... emalige Kolonien der Erde machen sich in Race for the Galaxy auf, um mächtige Weltraum-Imperien zu
02.02.2013, 11:30endes Geschicklichkeitsspiel mit einem niedlichen Thema, schnellen Spielzügen und haufenweise Schi ... Bakterienkulturen bestimmt oder die Krankenhausapotheke aufgefüllt werden. Eine mehrteilige Kampag ... emalige Kolonien der Erde machen sich in Race for the Galaxy auf, um mächtige Weltraum-Imperien zu
Essen 2012 Neuheit: Ark & Noah (Placentia Games)
: Ark & Noah – originally shown under the name Diluvium – is a game of strategy in wh ... t only compete for points, but must also work together to build and load the Ark. Everyone shares the task of saving the animathe Ark. Everyone shares the task of saving the animals, but in the end there can be only one winner!the task of saving the animals, but in the end there can be only one winner! In the game, the players are Noah and the animals, but in the end there can be only one winner! In the game, the players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animalthe end there can be only one winner! In the game, the players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animal couples and load them on ththere can be only one winner! In the game, the players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, the game, the players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Sethe players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothey must find the animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothe animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothem on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothe Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothe Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothey will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothey will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woo
31.01.2013, 19:42: Ark & Noah – originally shown under the name Diluvium – is a game of strategy in wh ... t only compete for points, but must also work together to build and load the Ark. Everyone shares the task of saving the animathe Ark. Everyone shares the task of saving the animals, but in the end there can be only one winner!the task of saving the animals, but in the end there can be only one winner! In the game, the players are Noah and the animals, but in the end there can be only one winner! In the game, the players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animalthe end there can be only one winner! In the game, the players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animal couples and load them on ththere can be only one winner! In the game, the players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, the game, the players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Sethe players are Noah and his sons, and they must find the animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothey must find the animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothe animal couples and load them on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothem on the Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothe Ark before the Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothe Flood starts. In each round, they will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothey will choose which action they will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woothey will take: Searching for Animals; Collecting Woo
Essen 2012 Neuheit: Autokrator (Diachron Games)
(a.k.a. emperor) is a medieval Euro/wargame about the wars from the 7th to the 11th century between Christians and Muthe 7th to the 11th century between Christians and Muslims. In Athe 11th century between Christians and Muslims. In A ... ns and Muslims. In Autokrator, you control one of the major kingdoms/Caliphates of the Medieval Age – the Franks/Holy Roman Empirethe Medieval Age – the Franks/Holy Roman Empire, the Moors, the Saracens, the East Roman Empire (Byzantinthe Franks/Holy Roman Empire, the Moors, the Saracens, the East Roman Empire (Byzantines) – with each the Moors, the Saracens, the East Roman Empire (Byzantines) – with each the Saracens, the East Roman Empire (Byzantines) – with each the East Roman Empire (Byzantines) – with each
31.01.2013, 19:38(a.k.a. emperor) is a medieval Euro/wargame about the wars from the 7th to the 11th century between Christians and Muthe 7th to the 11th century between Christians and Muslims. In Athe 11th century between Christians and Muslims. In A ... ns and Muslims. In Autokrator, you control one of the major kingdoms/Caliphates of the Medieval Age – the Franks/Holy Roman Empirethe Medieval Age – the Franks/Holy Roman Empire, the Moors, the Saracens, the East Roman Empire (Byzantinthe Franks/Holy Roman Empire, the Moors, the Saracens, the East Roman Empire (Byzantines) – with each the Moors, the Saracens, the East Roman Empire (Byzantines) – with each the Saracens, the East Roman Empire (Byzantines) – with each the East Roman Empire (Byzantines) – with each
Essen 2012 Neuheit: Karnag (Sit Down!)
viel Spaß! Offizielle Infos: AIM OF THE GAME Obtain magical points (MP) by preventin ... oints (MP) by preventing evil creatures to invade the human world. These creatures come from the underwater Ker-Ys city.These creatures come from the underwater Ker-Ys city. PREPARATION &buthe underwater Ker-Ys city. PREPARATION &bu
27.01.2013, 16:16viel Spaß! Offizielle Infos: AIM OF THE GAME Obtain magical points (MP) by preventin ... oints (MP) by preventing evil creatures to invade the human world. These creatures come from the underwater Ker-Ys city.These creatures come from the underwater Ker-Ys city. PREPARATION &buthe underwater Ker-Ys city. PREPARATION &bu
Essen 2012 Neuheit: The Jam (RightGames LLC)
raspberries, tasty apples, still warm pink scum, the humming of bees... Or a winter evening – co ... Now you can not only eat jam, you can play The Jam. In this game you need to make all sorts of j ... u need to make all sorts of jam and bake pies. At the start of the game each player has a hand of four cards and a tthe game each player has a hand of four cards and a t
raspberries, tasty apples, still warm pink scum, the humming of bees... Or a winter evening – co ... Now you can not only eat jam, you can play The Jam. In this game you need to make all sorts of j ... u need to make all sorts of jam and bake pies. At the start of the game each player has a hand of four cards and a tthe game each player has a hand of four cards and a t